Shirley Hitch

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Advice to the students on cyber safety

Advice to the students on cyber safety:

Do not use cellphone while it is being charged in an electric point.

Cellphones are not to be kept in pocket in vibration mode.

Repeated calls from unknown numbers may be ignored and sharing any personal details with an unknown caller may be avoided.

When cellphone is lost, the service provider may be alerted and requested to deactivate the SIM card to prevent any misuse by others.

Do not share your e-mail password to anyone.

Do not exchange your personal information with strangers through e-mail.

Do not chat / interact with unknown people through social networks like facebook, twitter.

Do not believe blindly in the content you find in the internet.

Do not watch digital content which may embarrass your brother, sister or others.

Do not accept friend request from unknown people.

Reject friend request made from people other than peer groups.

Alert your parents or School head when you get abusive e-mails.

Do not forget to log out after using any social network site.

NOTE : This is issued in the interest of student community.
